Cups and trophies are awarded to the exhibitor gaining the highest points in the sections or classes specified. The Novice Cups* are open to those not previously having won a cup at the West End Flower Show.
In the event of a tie for any trophy, the winner of the most first prizes will take preference.
Flower Show
President’s Perpetual Challenge Cup Highest in show, all classes
RHS Banksian Medal Horticultural classes 1, 3, 5-50 (medal winners in previous two years are not eligible)
Oddfellows Challenge Cup Vegetable classes 1, 3, 5-23
National Vegetable Society Medal Most meritorious vegetable exhibit in the Show
Thompson Challenge Cup Fruit classes 24-27
Roy Thompson Memorial Challenge Cup* Fruit and Vegetable classes 1-27, novices
Nanhoran Challenge Cup Collection class 1
Village Plate Collection class 3
Bailey Trophy Onion classes 12-14
Battle of Britain Trophy Giant class 22
Robbie Watt Tankard Giant class 23
Bullivant Challenge Cup Flower classes 29-45
Village Cup* Flower classes 29-45, novices
Bert Flippance Cup Pot plant classes 35-40
Prince of Wales Challenge Cup Hanging Basket class 41
Graham Rose Bowl Rose classes 42-45
Frank Dane Trophy Most fragrant rose class 44
Stedman Challenge Cup Chrysanthemum class 46
Claydon Challenge Cup Dahlia classes 47-50
Alexander Challenge Bowl Floral Art classes 52-57
Kathleen Thompson Challenge Cup* Floral Art classes 52-58, novices
Ivy Baird Cup Judges Choice in Floral Art classes 52-58
Rector’s Cup Cookery class 59
Nightingale Challenge Trophy Cookery & Preserves classes 59-64, 67-72
McKinnon Cup Men’s Cake class 65
Wooden Spoon class 66
The Rolfe Salver class 73
Silver Challenge Cup Handicraft classes 74-82
Hans-Peter Newbould Cup Best single handicraft classes 74-82
Michael Newbould Cup Photography classes 83-93
Esher News & Mail Cup Best Photograph in Show classes 83-93
Junior Challenge Cup Children up to 6 years, classes 94-103
Alan Hunter Memorial Cup Children 7-9 years, classes 94-96, 104-108
Roger Marsden Bowl Children 10-12 years, classes 94-96, 109-113